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Thank You Ali for the testimonial

Hello prospect spankee’s, this is my (a novice spankee) personal testimony regarding my first-hand account concerning my spanking experience with Miss Jennifer.

I have never been spanked in my life. Two years ago, I had a sudden fantasy of being spanked by a woman. I contacted Miss Jennifer and I made a commitment to see her, however, despite making an appointment for a spanking session, I became terrified of my first session as the day approached. I was suddenly horrified by Miss Jennifer; I felt she was going to severely harm me during the session; especially after I had the audacity to request a punishment-type session, as my first session.

During my phone conversation with Miss Jennifer, I informed Jen I was terrified of her. Miss Jennifer gave me peace by reassuring me there was nothing to worry about. She understood my concerns and feelings, and she genuinely cared for my well-being. As soon as the phone conversation ended with Miss Jen, I felt so at ease, that I began to look forward to my session.

I wanted to experience a real spanking from a professional, and that’s exactly what I received during my session; a real spanking from an attractive, VERY caring, competent, and skillful Professional Disciplinarian.

I am very fortunate to have meet Miss Jennifer, despite her being such a pain in the butt, Lol. By the time my session was over, not only was I butt-hurt, I felt incredibly relaxed and so peaceful. I look forward booking another session with Miss Jennifer. My only regret was not requesting a longer spanking session with her, as time went by so fast.

I highly recommend Miss Jennifer. If this is your first time being spanked, or you are considering applying for a spanking session with Miss Jen, I assure you, there is absolutely nothing to worry about, you are indeed in good hands.

Ali, Houston, Texas (2017)


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I will send out emails tonight to everyone about their upcoming session. Sorry it’s late this time.


If I haven’t responded you (email, text or application) it is because I am really busy. I Hopefully ot will slow down in 2-3 days.

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