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My testimonial from Atlanta

Some people have a job. Others, have a business. The truly great ones, have a passion.

Miss Jennifer truly has a passion for helping others become the best version of themselves. I learned this first hand, when I met her in February, 2018. I am a happily married husband and father of four children. I’ve got a full time job, a part time business, and do a considerable amount of volunteer work.

With as busy as I am, I have a very hard time prioritizing things I need to do sometimes, whether they’re for my own personal development, or in accomplishing tasks that I’d just rather procrastinate on. I’ve tried to accomplish a few long term personal goals that are important to me, through multiple different means, only to find myself slacking on the hard work to accomplish them.

I knew I needed a mentor to help me, someone who would listen to what I really wanted out of life, help me review the plan to accomplish it, and – importantly – hold me accountable to those necessary steps I needed to take. I also knew from past experience with spanking, that working with a disciplinarian might really help me accomplish those goals.

So I started looking for a disciplinarian. And honestly, the search was difficult. There’s so much garbage and porn out there in the internet related to spanking, that I nearly gave up hope of finding someone. I didn’t want BDSM, I didn’t want a dominatrix, I didn’t want a prostitute who happened to play patty-cake with people’s butts. This had to be someone I could really look up to and respect as a person, a leader, and a mentor, before I could entrust myself to them.

I finally found Miss Jennifer’s website. I thought I had finally – maybe – found what I was looking for. Miss Jennifer consistently reinforced the fact that she spanks. She gives real spankings, without a safe word. And she only spanks. I read testimonial after testimonial, trying to see what I was really getting into. I listened to her podcast, trying to get a feeling for who she really was.

After quite a while of quietly investigating, I completed an application. Partially, at least, before I deleted it. Started again. And deleted it. It took me three times of attempting the application, before I finally had the courage to complete the application, and – gasp – actually sending it to Miss Jen as an email.

I truly thought I had gone crazy. Here I was, a married 44-year-old, asking someone I don’t even know, to give me a bare bottom spanking that’s going to hurt.

Miss Jennifer replied fairly quickly, and told me that she loved my application. She gave me instructions to set up a pre-session phone call. During our conversation, I learned more about her, and she seemed consistent with what I’ve seen on the testimonials. Still, I had my fears – what if she’s not who she says she is? What if she takes my phone number, searches to find who I am, and tries to blackmail me? What am I doing setting up an appointment to meet someone in a hotel room? Folks, I was extremely nervous that I was maybe making a horrible mistake.

I can tell you now, that Miss Jennifer is real, she is genuine, and she really does care about helping people. When we met on the day of the session, she greeted me warmly at the door. We sat down and talked for quite a while about family, about my life in general, and my goals. She paid close attention to my goals, and put together a few rules that she wanted me to start with. None of these were arbitrary, they were real, common sense things that I knew I should be doing, but hadn’t always been able to make myself do.

After setting the goals and rules in place that I was to work on, Miss Jennifer gave me an introductory spanking. All I’m going to say is that she is extremely skilled at what she does. This was definitely a memorable experience, one that was going to cause me some real reasons to remember to do what we had agreed upon. I left with a sore bottom, a plan, and plenty of motivation to be good.

I’m writing this testimonial actually on the heels of my second meeting with Miss Jennifer. During the month that followed, I tried very hard to follow the rules she had set in place. On some of the rules, I did extremely well. On others, there were things that, while I did better on them than ever before, I wasn’t perfect and had messed up on some things that I wasn’t supposed to do.

During this second session, we actually talked for a long time when I first arrived. I learned quite a bit more about her, and discovered things that honestly leave me in awe of who she is as a person. I truly discovered a sense of respect and admiration for her.

I also found out that she geniunely cares about whether I was able to meet my goals. She was extremely fair – while acknowledging that I had made some important improvements, I had also messed up too, and needed some discipline. She gave me a spanking that was considerably harder than the first time; several times I found myself clutching on to the bed for dear life.

I’m sitting here now after this session with a sore bottom, a renewed desire to be good and to accomplish what we’ve agreed that I would do.

I’m so grateful that Miss Jennifer took me on as a client. I feel so blessed to have her looking out for my best interests, and helping to hold me accountable to the things that will help me in my goals.

I strongly encourage anyone who has goals they want to reach, but need help with real accountability, to reach out to Miss Jennifer. She is loving, caring, intelligent, and funny, and she’s not afraid to absolutely roast your bottom when you need it, to help you become the person you’ve wanted to become.

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Running behind

I will send out emails tonight to everyone about their upcoming session. Sorry it’s late this time.


If I haven’t responded you (email, text or application) it is because I am really busy. I Hopefully ot will slow down in 2-3 days.

1 Comment

Jun 28, 2018

Testimonials like this are such a valuable to someone like myself. I too am nervous. Not as much about making a mistake as I am the being spanked.

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