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Testimonial From Tiffany

Let me start of with a little bit about me and why I decided to see Jennifer. I am a college educated professional woman. I have a descent job and kids. I am also involved in my community and stuff like that. I mention this because when I was going through this process all the way up till I had my session with Jen I kept trying to talk myself out of it. Because I was “normal” and I didn’t need to do this. But I knew that I needed to do something to get my life back on track. And I think I made the best desicion.

Any way, About a month ago I was feeling lost and I sort of felt like my life was getting out of control. I am a very in control type of person so this was weighing on me. So I did a random google search for “spanking therapy” I honestly didn’t even know it was a thing. The first thing I saw was a buzzfeed video. I watched it and I was like that’s nothing I can do that. Then I looked to find someone who does this type of stuff professionally. I saw a lot of crazy/sex stuff and I absolutely did not want that. There was nothing sexual in what I was looking for. That’s when I saw Jen’s site. I spent a long time looking at it and reading everything. I learned really quick that the buzzfeed video wasn’t a realistic picture of spanking therapy or what Jen did.

After going back and forth for a few days I clicked the link the join the site, so I could read the forum. With in like a day I got an email from Jen welcoming me to the site and asking what I was looking for. I was looking for life coaching with discipline. I needed to be held accountable. You could tell by her emails she was super sweet and nice. So recommended that I ask questions on the forum. Which I did. Everyone was really nice and answered my questions. The one thing that stood out to me was that for the people on the forum this wasn’t really about spanking it was about changing your life and fixing things you have always wanted too.  They had a super positive experience with this and it helped them and I wanted that too.

So, I filled out the application. Within 48 hours I heard back and Jen accepted my application and she wanted to see me in less than 2 weeks! I pretty much knew in my heart that I was going to do this but it did take me a couple of days to process things and set up my appointment. Then came the phone call. I was super nervous all day about it. But pretty much as soon as I heard her voice and we started talking I immediately relaxed. It’s really hard to explain she has this way of making you feel at ease, even on the phone.

A week after the call I had my session. Honestly I was so torn with everything I was about to do. I sort of felt like I was going crazy. Even though I read everything on the site and listened to podcasts a little part of me was nervous and was wondering if what I was doing was safe, mentally and physically.

All those feeling pretty much instantly went away when I met her.  She has a very welcoming personality. She make you feel very comfortable about what you are about to do and what’s going to happen. She is so professional about everything that I never really felt awkward. She made me feel very safe. It’s hard to explain but I just trusted her and trusted that she knew better than me and that she could help me.

I have only had one session but I already feel like I have a different outlook on things. I am positive about what I need to do and I feel like I am gaining control back.  This was 100% a positive experience for me and I look forward to my next session.

Tiffany Boston 2019

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I will send out emails tonight to everyone about their upcoming session. Sorry it’s late this time.


If I haven’t responded you (email, text or application) it is because I am really busy. I Hopefully ot will slow down in 2-3 days.

1 Comment

May 02, 2019

So very nice to read.

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